Thursday, August 03, 2006

Watch this..

Watched this before?

Was browsing some of my friends' blog and came across this video clip..

So you maybe thinking I'm gonna talk about frog sashimi..whether it looks yummy or disgusting to me..That small little heart look cute..=P (Wonders whether my heart looks that cute a not..hehe) just brought back me some memories of killing a FROG ALIVE!!! when I was attending the Combat Survival Training (CST) Course in my army days. How many people get to attend such courses, without having to pay for a fee..Army provides you the training for FREE. important training package of the course is to how to look for foods (wild animals and plants) and the techniques of killing wild animals like snake (not poisonous one hor..), iguana, chicken, and frogs. Thanks to Sgt Liew..I was one of the 'lucky and honourable' person to be tasked to kill one of the frogs.. -_-;

The persona grabbed the frog's back legs with his hand (very slippery...yucks! the frog almost slipped off his hand) The frog's upper body, dangling in mid-air..With a swing, the frog's HEAD is smacked HARD onto the table!! (it's suppose to kill the frog at that instance. some people like Ronald..He only managed to put the frog into coma..not dead yet.) may sounds abit gross...Hahaa..But nothing beats watching a live show...

Like a surgeon, the persona took out his surgical a razor blade..As shown in the above you guys manage to see how the Japanese Chef skin the frog? YEAH! The persona starts from making a cut at the belly...slice all the way to the neck..then a few cuts at the joints of the legs..Now is the moment..pulling the skin off the frog..if procedures are done properly...the skin will be very much intact as a whole piece of 'frog suit'. The toughest part is to PULL THE HEAD out. Need some strength to twist the neck (dislocate the joint) and separate the head and body apart...

So in the'll have the frog's head together with it's nice...slimy skin intact..and frog meats for your meal! Oh by the way..if the bladder of the frog is BURST during the midst of your killing..the meat will taste sour..not nice..and it's not suppose to be eaten.

The hilarious part during this killing session is..Remember? Ronald only to put his 'victim' into a coma..So when a 'victim' is in may wake up anytime. Ronald was halfway skinning the frog, when SUDDENLY the frog jumps!! It landed onto the ground...Ronald grabbed back the frog and SMACK its head..not ONCE..but TWICE (or was it 3 times?) make sure the 'victim' is really really REALLY dead. And he continues with the 'operation'...

Hmm..if there is any video clip showing chicken sashimi..which I doubt so..I might be able to relate an account of how SPIDERMAN kills its chicken in the future. HAHAHAAHA..

I think after that training..I might had became a sadist? a pyscho?

Killing is fun~I miss it..I want to relive that session again...

Just kidding. It's only once in a life time..for me.


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