Wednesday, June 28, 2006

New Intern

On monday, a new intern came to report for work..whoo it's a gal wor! She will be doing a one month internship. First day of work, she was bombarded with lots of work, HeritageFest 2006...some PR work for 2 of our clients..maybe 3. Pity her. Wondered if she can take the ultimate stress in our company. Her second day of work..was out of office the whole day, meeting four partners of HeritageFest. What a busy day for her.

My Boss conned another innocent 'sheep' again.

Erm..well, our office is already quite small. Having 5 people working in the office, it does looks like a coolie house in the olden days (be imaginative).

Anyway, this mad guy is leaving the company in 3 more days. Why mad? He's been behaving wildly in the office, talking rubbish and making all sorts of jokes to his colleagues, muttering to himself...for the past 2 days. I think he looks more like a clown or an entertainer.


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