Friday, June 23, 2006

Do you tend to procrastinate?

I do..
And I believe everyone do procrastinate..Why?
Why do we tend to put things off? Delay and Delay...
Postpone our planned activities till later dates..

Hmm...I guess its just human tendency..something to do with our psychological behaviour...

We all have this 'SLOTH' in's one of the seven sins that human tend to commit. Seven sins: Greed; Gluttony; Sloth; Lust; Pride; Envy; Wrath.

When we feel tired about doing something, we tend to dismiss doing it..."Tomorrow then do lah!" Many days pass, nothing was done. Do you recall doing that?

Or there are some who are the "3 mins passion". They are only in doing some 'passion' work for a short period of time, before the interest dies off..Not committed to what they should continue to do. Are you one of them?

Haix..There are a number of tasks that I wished to do since don't know how many donkey years back? or beginning of the year. But because I tend to procrastinate!!! They were never achieved. Erm..some are half-way achieved lah..I need to change..A change for the better. Here it goes..

I think I will not mention them...Just keep you guys/gals in suspense...Hopefully to get it done within the first week of July! NO PROCRASTINATE PLEASE!!! JEFF PLEASE REMEMBER!
2 main tasks only.


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