Saturday, March 31, 2007

e One - Storytelling

Everyone has told stories before..
Whether it was real, made-to-believe, hear-say..the list goes on..

Since young, we saw and heard of fantasy stories and fairytales..
We wished to be the main characters in those stories..
Hero will eventually win the heart of the beauty..
Together, they lived happily ever-after..

As we became teenagers, movies and serial dramas become part of our lives..
We began to see the reality of Life..
The happy..and the sad..We tend to get emotional..
And Life isn't that simple to travel alone after all..

And when we grow older, the surroundings begin to affect us..
We often found ourselves to be one of the main leads among the stories we created..
Whether we like or dislike the roles we played, they are always the deepest memories attached to us..
Will the stories ever be happy-ending ones like a fairytale?? We'll never know what the future that lies ahead..
People always tell stories to us..
But how much of the contents, shall we believe..

Many are true storytellers..
With a heart, to seek a place of solacement from us..

Lending a listening ear eases, the feeling of troubled for the time-being..
Words of comforts provide advices, you can act upon..
A broad shoulder will always be there, if you ever need to cry on..
Nothing beats a big hug from us at the end of the day, to show that we care about you a lot..

Some are 'good' storytellers..
With a mind, to deceive the 'simple us'..

We can always choose to filter out what we don't like to hear..

We can always choose to rebuke and give our disapprovals..
We can always choose to form debatable arguments..
But most importantly, at the end of the day, WE CHOOSE TO USE our HEARTS to FEEL THE TRUTH.

I has heard of stories..
stories that are only told to me..
stories that set one confused..dispiriting..cheerful..
stories about life..philosophy..values..
stories about everything under the sun..the nature..the flowers..the orchids..
stories about sharing common interests in sports..animes..leisures..

I have yet to tell stories..
the unknown and complicated side of me..
the deepest and darkest of all..
the sweet..humourous..bitchy..sorrowful..
the love..
the past of me..

Who wants to know? You?
6 friends gathered together..
1 mentioned that 4 of them face a similar situation in life..
the other 2 should feel lucky that they don't encounter it..

do they all know that 1 of the 2..
faces a more devastating situation than them in life?

Sharing a same fate as one friend the One comes across..
A story that perhaps..only these people know..

Life is really cruel..
Not to you..But to the One..


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