Monday, November 06, 2006

e One with disappointment

Just thought that today, I can finally lay my hands on one of the items in my wishlist - the pair of Onitsuka Tiger shoes (the blue/grey version)...

Disappointment sinks in...Went to Far East..Wheelock Place..CineLeisure..SOLD OUT! except Wheelock Place...Last piece..with a minor defect. They now got a new colour..dark brown/light doesn't look nice to me..Sigh..

My friend then told me that, "Opportunity only knocks once, must grab the chance when it comes.." i mean i do understand this statement, but never know that it will happen to me one day..Last time..i used to see and wait..never take action to buy it when they have ample it's gone..i regretted my decision..

p/s: especially when you like someone...grab the chance before he/she is gone...


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